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Atomic Heart Review
Posted Feb 22, 10:47 am by Naiboss

Hail Hydra!
Posted May 5, 11:02 pm by Naiboss

AD&D Updated for the 2020's
Posted Mar 25, 03:21 pm by Bones

Mafia 3
Posted Oct 12, 11:58 am by Naiboss

No Man's Sky
Posted Aug 16, 07:29 pm by Naiboss

Posted Jun 25, 05:18 pm by Naiboss

Mad Max
Posted Oct 16, 09:27 am by Naiboss

Posted Feb 25, 03:24 pm by Naiboss

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Dragon Age: Inquisition - Release Date [updated]
Posted Apr 22, 01:34 pm by Naiboss

The latest installment of Dragon Age, Inquisition, finally has a release date... 7th of October. It's the only date they've given so far, which is odd as it's a Tuesday, so while it would be great for everyone to get it on the same day, I won't be surprised if they move the release date to the 10th... read more.

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More Titanfall BETA
Posted Feb 18, 05:04 pm by KroFunk

The beta is now in full swing and open to all players... and I've been spending a fair bit of time running (and jumping... and stomping) around.  Other than the l-o-n-g-e-s-t tutorial I think I've ever seen in a first-person shooter, the game is a LOT of fun. At first, it can be a little... read more.

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Titanfall Beta!
Posted Feb 12, 11:03 am by Naiboss

Titanfall, the debut title from Respawn Entertainment, is now accepting applications for it's Xbox One and PC beta test.  The test, scheduled to start on February 14th (sorry, significant others) is set to include three game modes:Attrition (team deathmatch), Hardpoint Domination and Last... read more.

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SWTOR: The Road Ahead
Posted Feb 4, 11:06 am by Naiboss

I don't get to play Star Wars: The Old Republic anywhere near as much as I would like.  Meanwhile, the developers seem to be steaming ahead with more and more content. With the release of the Galactic Starfighter digital expansion today (for F2P players), they are talking about releasing major... read more.

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Razer Game "Booster"
Posted Jun 13, 11:08 am by Naiboss

The Game Booster from razer, or any other "booster" for that matter is a bit of a false promise. There is no software that can actually make your computer go any faster , but they can make optimisations. Razer Game Booster, however does have a trick up its sleve that sets it apart from the... read more.

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Xbox One (commentary)
Posted May 21, 11:13 am by Naiboss

Off to a good start... I'm able to stream the broadcast without any hassle (unlike the PS4 announcement). Initial clip suggests that the Xbox is going to be a more personal experience (more targeted ads?). Don Mattrick takes the stage first, giving a background to the Xbox and Xbox Live, mentioning... read more.

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Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
Posted May 2, 11:17 am by Naiboss

Did someone just accidently reveal the next DLC release for Borderlands 2?  Could be... They have already teased that the fourth DLC pack, due to be released late June, is going to feature Tina so I'd be willing to put my money on this being the real deal. The photo was posted on Twitter... read more.

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SWTOR Patch 2.1
Posted Apr 26, 11:20 am by Naiboss

Looks like Bioware are pretty determined to prove their commitment to Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Hot on the heals of their last major update and the release of their first expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, they've already started revealing details of their next major patch, including a... read more.

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Epic Loot
Posted Apr 23, 11:21 am by Naiboss

What do you get if you cross Diablo with Dungeon Keeper and throw in a little Orcs Must Die for good measure? Well... a rather long title for a start.  The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, from Ubisoft, is currently in alpha and mixes up hack 'n slash combat and RPG elements with a slightly... read more.

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Battlefield 4
Posted Mar 27, 11:25 am by Naiboss

EA and DICE have been teasing for a little while now, and we all knew it was coming, but the world has finally got the chance to take a look at Battlefield 4... and it didn't disappoint. At the end of this article you'll find a full 17 minutes of in-game footage taken from the single player... read more.

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~ Naiboss